The Sieve of Eratosthenes

The Sieve of Eratosthenes

This method was made to count prime. In a way, it is quite similar to dynamic programming, minus the sub-problem.

How would you count all the prime number less than n? Given that:

  • A number is a prime if it satisfies three conditions:

    1. It is greater than 1
    2. It is only dividable by 1 and itself
    3. 2 is the only even prime
  • You do not have a preheated database of prime.

A number dividable by 1 and itself, must not be a multiplicity of any number prior to itself.

Thus, the trivial way is to look at all possible number until n, and try to check if it is a prime or not. This operation is fairly slow, as for each number at index k, we would have to take a look at k-1 numbers before that, and see if first can divide the latter. This resulted in a growth rate of nk complexity. The growth rate complexity stays the same even if we cached all the prior prime and use that in place of the k-1 list. Although the new k might be smaller, the complexity hold.

The trick to any counting problem, is to only look at what matters. If a prime satisfies 1. and 2., what about non-prime? 1. should hold, the only distinct different is the 2nd condition. A non-prime number is dividable by numbers other than 1 and itself. Looking from a different angle, a non-prime is a multiple of some number x. This x can be anything.

Since we are looking at only prime number, the best candidate to replace x is a prime.

Rephrasing the condition: "A non-prime number is a multiple of a prime number".

Further more, condition 3. means all even number except 2 are non-prime. Thus, we simply skip all even number altogether.

With this knowledge, for every prime number k, we can trace down all of its multiples until n. As defined above, a prime multiple is a non-prime, thus by marking all of these non-prime number, next time we see them, we can simply skip.

How should we keep track of these non-prime number? This data structure needs to satisfy two conditions:

  • It must store the index where we found the non-prime
  • It must return a boolean

Using a set should do, as we don't want duplication, and we can grab by the index. A map, or some funky object might do too. Whatever float your boat.

Let us describe our algorithm up till now. For each number k until the limit, we take k and check with the nonPrime set cache. If the cache has the number, we can safely skip it. Else, we take k and go through all of its multiplicity.

How do we go through its multiplicity? We iterate from a starting number to n, increment by k. Let's inspect the iteration sequence, with max = 50

3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
7 14 21 28 35 42 49
11 22 33 44
13 26 39 42
17 34
19 38
23 46

Notice in the sequence, we have even number! This is redundant as we have already established above that we do not need to go through even number. Thus, let's modify the iteration such that even number are disregarded:

3 9 15 21 27 33 39 45
5 15 25 35 45
7 21 35 49
11 33
13 39

We can further improve the iteration by observing that we are looking at 15, 21, 35 twice! The thought process that go into this optimization is that the previous prime has already handled all the multiple that are smaller than the next one. TODO: Rephrase this somehow...

I.e, 3 has already covered 5*3. Thus 5 can safely start from 5*5. Likewise, 3 and 5 has already covered 3*7 and 5*7, thus 7 can safely start from 7*7. Like wise, 3 has already covered 3*11, thus 11 can safely start from 11*2.

Thus, our starting number of this loop, could be just the prime number squared, as all the multiple less than its squared has already been covered prior!

3 9 15 21 27 33 39 45
5 25 35 45
7 49

Looking at the number being inspected, we can now go forward.

Thus, the pseudo code for the sieve of Eratosthenes:

  if n < 3 return 0;

  Set<bool> nonprime;

  count = 1;

  for k = 3 : n
    if nonprime[k],
      k is a non-prime, simply (continue); // This skip all things below and advance the loop

    else, k is a prime:
    // Let's mark down all the non-prime after k:

    for m = k*k : n // Start from k*k, ends at n
      nonprime[m] = true;
      m+= 2*k // Advance m by twice k, so that we skip all the even iteration.

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