Discourse on The Emergence of Modern Technology.

Discourse on The Emergence of Modern Technology.

The emerging modern mind is highly technical, actively seeking useful knowledge, and is critical in validating its discovery.

Great men of the past were influenced by this mindset.

Describe the emergence of the modern mind in light of our course materials (Kass, Melzer, Rousseau, Bacon, Descartes, Fuller, Toulmin, The Fountain), citing at least three different course articles, books, or movie to make your argument. What are some of the distinguishing characteristics of the modern attitude that set it apart from the pre-modern mind?



  • Thesis: The modern mind is highly technical, seek knowledge, and knowledge driven.
  • Purpose: Showing how the "modern mind" has been inspired by many great men in the past, and how most great men adopted the modern mind ahead of their age. The modern mind is technical driven, doubtful, with a mindset focused on actively experimenting and applying knowledge and science.

Pre-modern mind


The modern mind

  • Bacon (1627) - Scientific Method and the utopia of Bensalem Going back to as long as 1627, Bacon's works hinted to a society where knowledge is even more valuable than money. As described in his Utopia novel, the state of Bensalem would trade for knowledge around the world (). The technocrat regime.
  • Descartes (1637) further promotes the idea of a redo to science and a need to have a more general Natural knowledge, as he observed that with solid foundation from the beginning, men can build things greater than ever, unprecedented. ()
  • Fuller (2012) further this notion as he discussed the two spectrum of modern politic. We can see the two perspective align with the pre-modern and the modern mindset, whence one seeking actively to prevent and seek safety, the other seek experimenting and the knowledge itself.


  • Seems like there is common vision of the future generation

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