Summary of Bacon’s New Atlantis

Summary of Bacon’s New Atlantis

Bacon’s New Atlantis is an interesting novel that depicts a knowledge driven utopia.

The novel began with a crew of sailmen getting lost in the ocean for a year, after which they founded an island in the South Sea part unknown to men. The crew discovered that the island was civilized and named Bensalem.

After identified themselves as Christian and vowed that they are not private, the crew were welcomed by the island state and were invited to stay at the House of Strangers, where they peacefully recovered and stay inside under the island’s three day custom.

The main novel started once the crewmen are settled. The office governor of the House, who was a Christian priest, would stop by daily and have a conversation with the crewmen for three days. The first discussion is mainly the governor explaining the permit to stay as well as the sponsorship from the state given to the crew. The second discussion revolved around the island’s origin of Christianity. The third discussion explored the state’s history of knowledge, the founding of the Salomon’s House, and the origin of how the state regard highly of stranger as well as knowledge such that it would trade for knowledge instead of normal good.

This section closed with a ceremony organized by the island called Feast of the Family, where attendees are given advices, resolving differences among each other, and celebrating peace.

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