Summary of Fuller’s

Summary of Fuller’s

Fuller’s paper is an introduction to an emerging definition of the political spectrums.

Fuller began by summarizing the old definition of the conservative right and the liberal left, how they all revolved around the measurement of human potential, and how each belief were endorsed and reinforced back in the day. Fuller then moved on to discuss how the conflict turned into a competition for “projectability” - being relevant across generation, how the right-wingers assumed that the future will follow their “straight rule,” while the left-wingers believed that under the right condition, novel ideas will emerge.

Fuller opened the precautionary principle with a remark of how this point of view is increasingly being adopted by environmental and health legislation. Fuller then briefly mentioned the principle’s origin: “Above all, do no harm,” and “labour” characteristic which lead to the updated versions of this principle: “sustainability” - is the solution can be “fully technologized” and “carrying capacity” - the manufacture of new human needs. Fuller closed this section with a note of how this principle could have avoided the surplus of product whose production is destroying the environment more than its benefit.

Fuller began the proactionary section with an observation of how unpopular this point of view is, before moving to a brief definition: “risk, uncertainty and profit.” Fuller remarked how this principle regarded everything the precautionary principle held sacred as a “scientific testing ground,” how it contributed to the advancement in technology, and how it limited the main concern to intellectual ownership.

Fuller concluded with example of each principle in the wild, how the recognition of this shift in the ideological axis is being applied to identify opponent, and hope that these two principals collaborate with each other, one on earth and the other looks toward heaven.

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