Summary of Kass’s introduction to the problem of technology

Summary of Kass’s introduction to the problem of technology

Kass’s introduction to the problem of technology is a very puzzling piece that tried to discuss the definition, challenge and solution of the topic in hand.

Kass began with four thought regarding the enormous size of the topic, then discussed the narrow understanding of technology that derived optimistic solutions. Kass followed up by defining and discussing “technology”, “problem”, and the reason for the “technological attitude”. Kass moved on with a general definition for the problem of modern technology: “The disposition toward a comprehensive mastery of nature and human affairs”.

Kass then discussed the main three child problems. First feasibility, in which Kass questioned the possibility of man conquering nature, and whether it is just men triumph over other men. The second was goals and goodness, where Kass discussed scientific versus humanitarianism, and pointed out the subjective nature of judgment and goal. Lastly, tragic self-contradiction, Kass discussed how technology advancement could alter man’s need and morality such that it contradict its old self.

Kass then remarked the two attitudes toward technology: applied versus admiring. Kass closed with a vision of a potential remedy to the problem of technology, liberty: a toil-free government, loving relationship, and the freedom to study without influence.

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